Medical experts

Join Australia’s leading medical expert cohort

Why consult with eReports?

eReports’ trusted panel of industry-leading medical experts advise an exclusive portfolio of clients across a national legislative framework. We partner with more than 400+ medical experts across 45+ specialties to deliver high-quality independent medical opinions and expert advisory services.

As the provider of choice for Australia’s largest employers, insurers, law firms and government agencies, eReports can help you diversify your practice to enjoy a consistent and lucrative stream of income through a stimulating portfolio of work.

Consult anytime, anywhere with NEXUS, eReports’ innovative video assessment platform designed for the expert opinions sector. Our advanced online platform is highly secure and encrypted to protect your data through our best-in-class technology.

What we offer our medical experts

Flexible service model

We offer a range of flexible options on how you partner with us to suit your practice, with no lock-in contracts or exclusivity clauses. Consult from your own clinic or our fully equipped, modern consulting rooms nationwide. eReports’ NEXUS video assessment platform enables you to consult nationwide, regardless of geographic location.

National client network

Diversify your practice and advise an exclusive network of national clients across multiple sectors, including state and federal government, employers, insurers and law firms. Our experts enjoy a consistent and lucrative income stream through a diverse portfolio of stimulating work. With 80+ locations nationwide and NEXUS, our advanced video assessment platform, we offer the opportunity to consult internationally.

Experienced Quality Assurance Team

Each report is Quality Assured by our team of industry professionals who are highly experienced and trained in the use and understanding of the AMA Guides by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners to support you in delivering the highest quality independent report.

Comprehensive support

Our dedicated Consultant Partnership Team will guide you every step of your journey with us. eReports provides a full induction and training program, with continuing relevant professional development and ongoing support.

Exclusive education and training

Enhance your professional expertise with our exclusive education and training program for eReports consultants. Expand your medicolegal knowledge, understand the latest legislative requirements and gain industry insights through our series of educational webinars, workshops and online training opportunities.

Consult with us

eReports welcomes you to explore how you can partner with us to diversify your practice.

Enter your details to complete the form and our Consultant Partnership Team will contact you to discuss consulting opportunities.

    Our Consultant Partnership Team

    Medical experts

    John Perra

    Consultant Partnership Manager

    Medical experts

    Paige Keyte

    Expert Engagement Manager

    Medical experts

    Amenda Trajkovski

    Specialist Operations Lead

    Medical experts

    Corina Munnecke

    Medical Expert Consultant

    Medical experts

    Sharin Varghese

    Travel and Admin Coordinator

    Frequently asked questions

    eReports does not impose lock-in contracts or exclusivity clauses for consultants who choose to work with us. We offer a range of flexible options on how you partner with us to suit your practice.

    No, eReports cannot alter the content of any report. Upon approval, your report is referred to our experienced Quality Assurance Team for review against letters of instruction and other specified client, legislative or best practice requirements. Any content queries or suggested report amendments are referred to the consultant for clarification. Every edit that is made by you is tracked for your confidence to support your independent opinion.

    Yes! eReports provides the option to consult from your own clinic or our fully equipped, modern consulting rooms nationwide. eReports’ secure online platform provides you with instant access to review and manage scheduled appointments, securely download and review files, and upload attachments, notes and completed reports.

    NEXUS is eReports’ secure video assessment platform that enables you to consult nationwide from the comfort of your clinic. Utilising our advanced telehealth technology, NEXUS assessments are designed to closely reflect an in-person assessment. Each assessment is guided by our experienced NEXUS Support Team to ensure a seamless experience.

    What our experts say